Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tunisia Group: Sarah W, Anthony, Katie, Madeline

1) In a conversation is there a lot of overlap? Is it acceptable?

2) Does one person keep the "floor" longer because of his/her status?

3) Is it appropriate for two or more people to talk at the same time?

4) If it is not, is it considered interrupting?

5) Is there a difference in how often or how much you get to talk based on who you're speaking to? Man? Woman? Husband? Wife? Best friend? Employee? Boss, etc?

6) What is the appropriate way to talk, faster or slower?

7) Is the language you speak a faster language?

8) What is an appropriate amount of time to pause before someone else starts speaking? vs. English?

9) Are there different situations where the pace of a conversation is faster or slower?

10) Are there certain people that you talk to that affect the pace of a conversation? i.e. your boss, your husband (if you're a woman)?

11) Was it hard to adapt to America's conversation style as opposed to your own?

12) How about in Minnesota vs. Texas?
13) Is there a difference in pace, content, dialect, etc in different regions of your country? i.e. North, south, east...

14) Are conversations limited on how many questions you can ask per turn?

15) Is it common to switch between people in a conversation often? i.e. quick, quick, quick?

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