What constitutes proper respect? We need a script. How do you determine who is "older" enough to be treated differently? How do you know who is in authority and what kind of script would help you fulfill this expectation to everyone's satisfaction?
Dress modestly. Women should at least cover their knees. The image of soccer knee pads comes to mind. We need more specifics. Refer to the entry below for Zambia. Pictures might be very helpful.
Accept invitations to visit and dine at someone's house. Eat what is put before you, no questions asked. I'm assuming that if you have allergies or keep kosher you have informed everyone ahead of time.
Bring a present to give the host/ess. What kind of present? Wine? Chocolate? A chicken? Flowers? T-shirts from America? (That's often extremely welcome). What is the norm?
Arrive punctually for all social occasions. What is punctual?? 5 minutes before the stated time, 5 minutes after, 30 minutes after, exactly on the minute? Punctual is a relative term.
Ask people for permission before you take their picture! In some cultures people may feel that their soul is being sucked out of them when their picture is taken, find out if that is so for your target culture. Others might just be having bad hair days. How would you feel about a stranger taking your picture without asking? Here in the U.S., I mean. Would it be weird?
Speak French, or at least bring a basic phrase book. I'm assuming you don't mean just so you can wave it around inf ront of people but you really do make an effort to speak in a language your host culture is comfortable with, obviously French in this case.
Shank hands when you meet/greet someone. Is there anything different about their handshake? Firmer, lighter? Do they hold your hand for five minutes? If so, what do you do while they are holding your hand hostage? Is there any difference with gender? Do you shake the women's hands too? Can men shake women's hands or only other women? Since they are French speakers, is there no perfunctory double kiss on the cheek (but really into the air)?
Drink the coffee (they're the fifth largest producer in the world).
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